Encyclopedia of Spiritual Knowledge

Bubbles of Perception

The energy cocoon surrounding human body consists of two unequal parts, which Juan Matus called bubbles of perception.

The division of the cocoon into the two bubbles of perception takes place at the collar-bone level. The upper bubble includes the head and the neck, while the lower one encloses the rest of the body. In other words, the upper bubble includes the upper dantyan, and the lower — the other two and the legs.

The upper bubble is very important for communicating with the material world, while we use the lower bubble for communicating with the non-material one. A spiritual practitioner can perceive from them separately either material world or other worlds.

The quantitative growth of consciousness and meditative work are performed primarily by the lower bubble of perception.

The main part of it is the middle dantyan, refining in and expanding from which one gets closer to Perfection.

Harmonious development of the second important component of the lower bubble of perception — hara — is also absolutely essential for meditative achievements. But regarding this structure as the basis for spiritual growth, which is typical of many martial arts schools, is a gross mistake.

See also:

Juan Matus



External links:

“Bubbles of Perception”