The term Latihan was introduced in the beginning of the 20th century by a Sufi called Bapak Mohammad Subuh, who used this word to denote one of the ways of communication with the Holy Spirit.
This technique consists in addressing the Holy Spirit for help and asking Him to concentrate above one’s head (one has to become aware of Him there) and then to “shower” Himself down through the entire body as through an empty shell or a transparent bottle without bottom.
In this meditation, the Flow of the Holy Spirit moves through one’s body washing and healing it. The Light flows from top to bottom through sushumna, the middle meridian, and other meridians of the organism.
Having surrendered to this Stream, the body starts dancing and performing other smooth and harmonious movements.
This phenomenon is one of the variations of laya yoga — a series of methods of “dissolving” oneself in Divine Streams or in static states of the Divine Consciousness.
Subuh visited many European countries where he taught this method to Catholic monks and healed with it many diseased people, including those who suffered from cancer. The only condition set by Subuh was to accept the faith in Existence of Living God, in Existence of the Holy Spirit as one of the Divine Manifestations.
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