The terms tonal and nagual were used in the esoteric School of don Juan Matus described in the books of Carlos Castaneda.
These terms denote two “parallel” worlds that comprise the universe — the world of material objects (tonal) and the non-material world (nagual).
We communicate with the world of matter through the so-called first awareness, i.e. the one which is carried out through the sense organs of the physical body.
To become able of cognizing the nagual, one has to develop the second awareness, that is, clairvoyance.
The term nagual had another meaning in this case: a person-leader who has mastered the nagual and is capable of acting in it and from it. In the School mentioned above, such a leader, i.e. Nagual, was don Juan Matus.
Below follow several excerpts from the book by Carlos Castaneda Tales of Power (in these excerpts the term nagual means the non-material world):
“The tonal begins at birth and ends at death, but the nagual never ends. The nagual has no limit. The nagual is where Power hovers.”
“For the nagual, there is no land, or air, or water. Therefore, the nagual glides, or flies, or does anything it can do in the time of the nagual, which is not related at all to the time of the tonal. These two things do not intersect.”
“The tonal and the nagual are two different worlds. In one you talk, in the other you act.”
(Castaneda C. — Tales of Power. "Pocket Books", N.Y., 1978)
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Native American Spirituality