Dantians are functional groups, formed of developed chakras of human organism. This term originated in the Taoist spiritual tradition.
There are three dantians: the upper dantian, the middle dantian, and the lower dantian.
The upper dantian is composed of three chakras (sahasrara, ajna, vishudha).
The sahasrara and ajna chakras are responsible for the intellectual function, while vishudha (that adjoins anahata) — for aesthetic appraisal.
The middle dantian consists of only one chakra — anahata. This chakra is responsible for generation of the emotions of love.
The lower dantian, which is also composed of three chakras (manipura, svadhisthana, muladhara), represents the “power center” of the organism.
Its upper chakra, manipura — among other functions — performs accumulation of the energy derived from food.
Another chakra of the lower dantian — svadhisthana is responsible for the reproductive function and generation of emotions associated with it.
When the organism is overfilled with the subtlest emotions, these energies get partially reserved in a special repository connected with the lowest chakra — muladhara. The energy accumulated there is called kundalini. This is an extremely important energetic reserve of the organism; it is accumulated and stored from one incarnation to another.
Out of the three, the most important is the middle dantian, since it is by employing this structure that people can transform themselves into Love and infuse into God. The other two play auxiliary roles. The upper dantian helps one to develop the middle one with its intellectual and aesthetic appraisal functions. And the lower one, being the main power center of the organism, provides energy for this process.
All dantians (as well as all chakras) should be developed harmoniously, although the middle one should always be given priority over the other two in one’s development.
In the face of God, the main function of the human organism is love. But love cannot become full-fledged unless it is supported intellectually, ethically, and energetically. Therefore, on the spiritual Path one should pay attention to the development of each of these functions.