Encyclopedia of Spiritual Knowledge

Total Reciprocity

Total reciprocity implies the inversion of an individual “I” into a “non-I”, accompanied by the mergence of an individual consciousness with the consciousness that fills the space around the body.

Total reciprocity is a meditative means of attaining Nirodhi. It is one of the most important meditations of buddhi yoga. While performing this meditation, the consciousness enters the state of “non-I” and becomes All; as a result, the individual lower self vanishes.

Let us discuss this phenomenon in more detail.

What is reciprocity, reciprocal? Reciprocity means opposite. The reciprocal is something or someone opposite to me. It is not something like opposite electrical charges (plus-minus) or opposite sexes. It concerns the state of “non-I”. If the meditator merges with the total “non-I” of the higher spatial dimensions, then he or she infuses (as a consciousness) into the Consciousness of these dimensions. Mergence with the Primordial Consciousness abiding in the highest spatial dimension is called the Highest Nirvana (Mahanirvana).

The state of total reciprocity was known in all advanced Schools of buddhi yoga.

For instance, it is mentioned in the Teachings of American Indian Juan Matus described in the books of C.Castaneda. These Indians did not know the terms total reciprocity, Nirodhi, and for describing these states Juan Matus used endemic terms specific to His School. He talked of it as of “rolling force”.

According to these Teachings, every one of us possesses an energy cocoon, which separates us from the environment. In meditation, one can either localize oneself within the cocoon, or try to merge with the consciousness existing around. But in order to be able to merge, one has to learn to destroy one’s own individuality. That is, we have to allow the rolling force, which is coming as an energy wave from all sides, to destroy the cocoon, to fill it inside. Then the former “I” vanishes.

One has to note that the state of Nirodhi is feasible only for those who have grown — as consciousnesses — to significant sizes and have achieved a high level of refinement.

Such meditations are much easier to master at corresponding places of power.

Total reciprocity is very important in ethical self-perfection. This state destroys egocentrism and allows one to feel the necessities of other beings around one. As a result, one begins to live and to act for the sake of these beings, including people and God, and not for one’s own sake.

It is essential to understand that the Mergence with the Primordial Consciousness is not possible without this ethical transformation.

See also:



Buddhi Yoga